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Small Steps for Clean and Manage the Kitchen


Like I promise before, now let’s we trying to organize the kitchen in your house. Simple starting with the small steps if you ready.

Unload your dishwasher.
If your dishwasher is full of clean dishes and not put away, you won’t have a place to put your dirty dishes as you clean up. If you don’t have a dishwasher, take a look at your sink. If you’ve got clean dishes in your dish rack, put them away now. Then move your dish rack to the counter and put an empty dishpan under the sink. You’ll see why as we keep going.

Take a look at your countertops.
Are they piled high with papers, dishes (dirty), and appliances (some you haven’t used in weeks or months)? or Are they stained (underneath the stuff on them)?

Let’s clear off one countertop at a time.
  • Pick your smallest one and clear everything off.
  • Put it on a table or other surface where you can go through the things.
  • Put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher (or dishpan under your sink), go through the papers (junk mail = trash can, bills go to the study, etc.).
  • Put the other miscellaneous things you’ve found in separate piles to be schlepped to the appropriate rooms where they belong.
Then look at the naked countertop and then take a cleaner of your choice (I love the Lysol disinfecting wipes, but you could use a spray cleaner, a bleach cleaner, or simple window cleaner) and a rag and start wiping from back to front. Sweep the crumbs in to the garbage can. Now put only the things which are *necessary* back on the counter. That means no excess paperwork, no hairbows, etc.

If you need space for a coffee maker or other small appliance, you now have it! Move to the next counter and repeat the same steps as above. So you’ve survived the cleaning of your counters.
Great! These next few steps will require an honest look about your kitchen and an honest appraisal of your culinary skills and commitment to cooking. Not if you will cook, but how you will (or do) cook. Remember to use small steps!

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