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Organize Kitchen in the House


Let's go to the next step for manage kitchen in your house. If you have a dishwasher or dishpan under your sink and it’s now filled with dirty dishes, now is the time to get it running. Put the detergent in and set that baby to “pots & pans.” It uses more water, but if your dishes have been sitting for a while, they’ll need the extra strength of that cycle to get sparkling clean.

You don’t have to use the dry cycle, it eats up energy and makes your dishes too hot to handle. When the dishwasher is done, open the door and let the dishes cool *briefly* before putting them away.

Do the last step quickly
If you keep the dishwasher empty when the dishes are clean, you’ve won a large portion of the battle to keep your kitchen organized. If you have a dishpan that’s full of dishes, move the pan up to the sink and start washing.

Dry them quickly and put the dishes away then move your dishpan to its spot under the sink for collection of future dishes.

Take a look at your kitchen appliances on the counter or up above the cabinets. Do you have too many things that you hardly ever use, but collect dust and kitchen grease?

Take an honest assessment of what you have and when you last used the item.
If you haven’t used it in a while or don’t plan to use it in the near future, donate, sell, give it away, or pitch it.

Take a look at the cast iron skillet you have but haven’t used in God knows how long. Useful, yes. In your life? Maybe not. Be honest and be brutal. You’ll end up with kitchen appliances that you love and that are useful, not clutter.

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