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Comfortable Home Office


When organizing your home office, you’ve got a couple choices. Write a list of all the little things that need to be done and work on them a few minutes each day, or dive straight into the deep end and do it all in one fell swoop.

If you’re sick of your entire home office, box it all up like you’re moving, and set the boxes in a different room. Then unpack one box at a time and organize from the bottom up. Make sure to file papers as you go along.

I like the “little at a time” approach. My first step would be to take all the papers that are scattered about and put them into one box. You can file these now, or clean your desktop and surrounding area further. I like putting all the filing together, all the books together, and then working on one pile at a time.

If several folks in your home are receiving mail, you can use wall-mounted acrylic holders and just label them with each person’s name. That takes care of the mail lying around.

A friend of mine keeps all her bills on her refrigerator with a magnet. As soon as they come in, they go straight on the fridge. That way, they can’t get lost underneath piles of papers. I’ve adopted this idea and it’s saved me a huge headache. Now I don’t have a bunch of envelopes and bills lying around on my desktop, just waiting for payday.

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