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Kitchen Cleaning


Take a look at your cabinets on the kitchen in your house, not the inside, just outside. Are they clean?. If they have built up grime on them, take a cleaner and rag and wipe them down. You’ll be amazed at how different they look and how dirty that rag will be!

About the front of your large appliances.
Fingerprints are fingerprints it doesn’t matter if it’s on an avocado-colored refrigerator or a chrome-colored one. Take some window cleaner and 5 minutes on each appliance and spray ‘em down. Wipe them clean, and don’t forget the small crevices where crumbs hide.

You’re not doing the insides, just the outsides! Hit the refrigerator, the stove, the dishwasher, and anything else that “fronts” in the kitchen that I might not have mentioned.

Now take a look at your kitchen table & chairs.
When was the last time you washed them down? Is there food stuck to them that is of questionable origins or dates? This will probably take more than 15 minutes, but take a rag and a bottle of cleaner. Spray the chair from the bottom rungs to the seat and up to the top. Let it stand for 2 or 3 minutes and spray down the next chair.

Go back to the first one and start rubbing with the rag. You’ll be amazed at what comes off and how clean the chair becomes! Repeat each step until all the chairs are done. Then spray down the table legs. Same procedure—spray, let it sit, rub and wipe. Now your chairs and table are clean enough to eat off of!

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