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Makes Romantic Bed #1


All things in life are connected at the minute quantum level and the following information will help guide you so you and your relationships flourish:

Make sure your bedroom "feels" inviting
It must fulfill the role of a place of safety for you. When you look at the state of your bedroom now - what does it say to and about you? Does it say "I'm at home with myself" or is it a big jumble and in disarray? Is it just functional - it's purpose only for sleeping in your eyes, if so - if you want your love life to change, then this has got to change too.

Look around at all of the items - furniture/trinkets etc... in your bedroom
Do you have good/loving memories and feelings for these items? Or are there items which hold bad memories? If there are - get rid of them, they hold a residual energy and act as a constant reminder to your non-conscious mind. How about photos? Are there any old flames "hanging around" - again, chuck them out - you do want to move on to a new relationship - don't you?

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